

NT $500














What hard things,' wrote Saint-Saëns, 'have been said against virtuosity!… The fact must be proclaimed from the house-tops – in art a difficulty overcome is a thing of beauty.' There are many such beauties in Le Carnaval des animaux, and their difficulties aren't for the faint-hearted or the technically challenged, especially where the two pianists are concerned. On this disc not only are the difficulties overcome, but dispatched with tremendous verve and wit.


In the Septet the players rightly refuse to make more of the music than is really there. This light touch allows us to relish Saint-Saëns's professionalism: every part in the texture has its own shape and colour and, if there were compositional difficulties to be overcome, you'd never know. The four shorter pieces on this splendid disc include the delicious Fantaisie for violin and harp, and three arrangements for cello and piano taken from the horn, organ and operatic repertoires.' The Gramophone Classical Music Guide



1. zoological fantasy for 2 pianos & ensemble: Introduction et marche royale d Carnival of the Animals

2. zoological fantasy for 2 pianos & ensemble: Poules et coqs Carnival of the Animals

3. zoological fantasy for 2 pianos & ensemble: H‚miones (animaux v‚loces) Carnival of the Animals

4. zoological fantasy for 2 pianos & ensemble: Tortues Carnival of the Animals

5. zoological fantasy for 2 pianos & ensemble: L`‚l‚phant Carnival of the Animals

6. zoological fantasy for 2 pianos & ensemble: Kangourous Carnival of the Animals

7. zoological fantasy for 2 pianos & ensemble: Aquarium Carnival of the Animals

8. zoological fantasy for 2 pianos & ensemble: Personnages … longues oreilles Carnival of the Animals

9. zoological fantasy for 2 pianos & ensemble: Le coucou au fond des bois Carnival of the Animals

10. zoological fantasy for 2 pianos & ensemble: VoliŠre Carnival of the Animals

11. zoological fantasy for 2 pianos & ensemble: Pianistes Carnival of the Animals

12. zoological fantasy for 2 pianos & ensemble: Fossiles Carnival of the Animals

13. zoological fantasy for 2 pianos & ensemble: Le cygne Carnival of the Animals

14. zoological fantasy for 2 pianos & ensemble: Final Carnival of the Animals

15. Op. 124 Fantaisie for violin & harp in A major

16. Op. 36 Romance for horn (or cello) & orchestra (or piano) in F major

17. for violin (or cello) & organ, Op. 158 PriŠre

18.opera in 3 acts, Op. 47: Mon coeur s`ouvre … ta voix Samson et Dalila

19. trumpet, string quartet & bass in E flat major, Op. 65: I. Pr‚ambule: Allegro mode Septet for piano

20. trumpet, string quartet & bass in E flat major, Op. 65: II. Menuet: Tempo di minue Septet for piano

21. trumpet, string quartet & bass in E flat major, Op. 65: III. IntermŠde: Andante Septet for piano

22. trumpet, string quartet & bass in E flat major, Op. 65: IV. Gavotte & final: Alleg Septet for piano



